[Salon] Trump hints at possible picks for Pentagon chief in a second term - POLITICO

Trump hints at possible picks for Pentagon chief in a second term

The GOP frontrunner brought up Christopher Miller, who once said he couldn’t wait to leave DOD.

The file below is the Traditional Conservative, Right-wing Peacenik, Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, chapter written by prospective Trump SecDef Christopher Miller, which I have correctly titled: "Heritage Foundation Total-War Militarization of America Plan.” Promising more Trump demanded military spending increases as Trump brought us in his very first year in office, and in perpetuity (libertarian quote; "at least he cut taxes”), and even more military provocations than the Goldwaterite Democrat Biden has delivered, in carrying on everything which Trump initiated. 

Attachment: Heritage Foundation Total-War Militarization of America Plan.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Going with Jeffrey Sachs’ article shared here earlier today, and at the link above, here is a reminder that we not lose sight of the fact that however bad the “War System” which is our governing system gets under the Democrats, the Republicans are always ever-present, ever-demanding, that it get worse, and moving the “Overton Window” ever further to the “Right,” as it was always understood as standing for “Militarism.” In the US, that has always been the Republican Party standing for that. Whether as the Party demanding the annexation of Hawaii after Democrat Grover Cleveland refused to go along with that while in Office, before Republican McKinley enthusiastically grabbed Hawaii, the better to capture the Philippines; then, under McKinley, Teddy Roosevelt, and William Howard Taft, waging a War of Aggression against, first, Spain, then the indigenous people of, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines; then Teddy Roosevelt again, “leading the Charge up Capitol Hill” in demanding Wilson get into WW I, immediately in 1914; then Banana Wars, made almost permanent under three successive Republican administrations after WW I, notwithstanding what a columnist of the Boston Globe says, who should know better, as any Marine Corps Private does who obviously is better educated in Marine Corps history than journalists, down to the Cold War which I was born into, with Republicans always denouncing Democrats for their “weakness,” with the sole exception John Kennedy’s charges against the Eisenhower administration (which were false). 

FYI: (Banana Wars

"Butler participated in a series of occupations, "police actions," and interventions by the United States in Central America and the Caribbean, later called the Banana Wars due to their goal of protecting American commercial interests in the region, particularly those of the United Fruit Company. This company had significant financial stakes in the production of bananas, tobacco, sugar cane, and other products throughout the Caribbean, Central America, and the northern portions of South America. The U.S. was also trying to advance its own political interests by maintaining its influence in the region and especially its control of the Panama Canal. These interventions started with the Spanish–American War in 1898 and ended with the withdrawal of troops from Haiti and President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Good Neighbor policy in 1934.[13] After his retirement, Butler became an outspoken critic of the United States' business interests in the Caribbean, criticizing the ways in which American businesses and Wall Street bankers imposed their agenda on U.S. foreign policy.[14]”) (And who mostly represented them?) 

But here is Sachs excellent article:

US Foreign Policy Is a Scam Built on Corruption

Jeffrey D. Sachs   |   December 26, 2023   |   Common Dreams

Here is an update to that, and an addendum to the Trump administration which with the war-mongering assistance of the “Right-wing Peacenik” Heritage Foundation, and the “Common Plan” (see Nuremberg) they have prepared for the US “Global War of Aggression” they are planning as  Act II of Trump and the war-fevered war-mongers he had as his administration (see the “Miller Boys”), thwarted as they were for even more aggression against Iran. Though unbridled  in support of Israel’s genocide, at an earlier “stage" as it was.

So this article on Christopher Miller possibly being the frontrunner as SecDef under Trump should scare the hell out of anyone who can see the suicidal course the US is on with its addition to War. 

It came in yesterday from the Pentagon’s Early Bird News service which is what I generally start my day with to learn what new wars and exorbitant military spending programs are in the works. Which was especially valuable during the Trump years as a corrective to “New Right” Koch-funded think tanks declaring Trump and the USMC Commandant were “Fighting the Blob,” and “ending the wars.” When in fact, they were "Enlarging the Blob,” with the addition of the Koch, Thiel, Musk, contributions to the US Surveillance and Drone Industry (Koch, Thiel, Musk, Palantir, Anduril), and “Space Force” (Musk, SpaceX), and “Redeploying Forces” to the IndoPacific and Eastern Europe (Camp Trump) for “Peer Competitor Warfare” against Russia and China, which the Trump administration was all in for, as they routinely declared as military doctrine. Notwithstanding deception operations as cognitive warfare against the US population to conceal what they were really up to. 

Which was in addition to providing Israel political cover for its accelerating genocide which has now culminated in the OPT, but was escalated above and beyond anything which came before, going back to 1948. Except for when another Republican, GWB, "gave the green light to Ariel Sharon to expedite genocide as well, as Larry Wilkerson has recounted. 

“Concealing” all this in fact, was an “Influence Operation” emanating from the same sort Koch, Thiel, Adelson, Bannon, the Mercer’s, and Netanyahuy ran to get Trump elected.

So below, is Christopher Miller’s chapter of what is intended as the Trump (or DeSantis, Haley, any Republican) Common Plan. Once again, the “Right-wing Peaceniks,” of Kevin Roberts and the Heritage Foundation, bought and paid for by Koch, Thiel, et al., have more war planned as Phase II/Act II, of their US Global War of Aggression as outlined in Project 2025, the Trump/Heritage Common Plan for Global Incineration: (hint: use “Find,” and search for “Russia,” to see what’s in store for them, inseparable as they are from targets China, Iran, Venezuela, et al., for the person here who recently credited “Conservatives” as favorably disposed to Russia, haha):

Attachment: Heritage Foundation Total-War Militarization of America Plan.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

P.S. Incidentally here is some more “Incitement of Genocide” by Republican/Conservative, Trump supporting, affiliated media, that so many here are aligned with as part of the Likud network: 

Trump hints at possible picks for Pentagon chief in a second term

The GOP frontrunner brought up Christopher Miller, who once said he couldn’t wait to leave DOD.

Side-by-side photos of Donald Trump and Christopher Miller are shown.

Hewitt mentioned five other names who could serve as Trump’s defense secretary: Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former national security adviser Robert O’Brien and Reps. Mike Waltz (R-Fla.) and Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.).

“That’s a good list to start off with,” Trump said, before bringing up Miller.

Trump tapped Miller to be his acting defense secretary on Nov. 9, 2020, after firing former Pentagon chief Mark Esper and a spate of other top Defense Department officials in the days after the presidential election. Miller, who was previously Trump’s director of the National Counterterrorism Center, served at the top of the Pentagon until Trump left office on Jan. 20, 2021.

Miller’s tenure was short but eventful. Shortly after stepping into the job, he announced Trump’s ordered drawdown from Afghanistan and Iraq to just a few thousand troops in both countries, a move Esper had resisted. His chief of staff as acting defense secretary was Kash Patel, a former aide to Rep. Devin Nunes who played a key role as a Hill staffer in helping Republicans discredit the Russia probe.

Miller came under fire for his response to the storming of the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters on Jan. 6, 2021. He approved the deployment of the National Guard to help the Capitol Police, but critics say the troops arrived hours too late. Miller defended his actions before Congress, saying that he was concerned that sending troops to the Capitol would fuel fears of a military coup.

He also said Trump played a role in the insurrection. “Would anybody have marched on the Capitol, and overrun the Capitol, without the president’s speech? I think it’s pretty much definitive that wouldn’t have happened,” Miller said in an interview with VICE on Showtime.

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